You can’t use Storm because it first destroys your Spell & Traps and then your opponent’s, which means that the destruction of Geartown would not be the last thing to happen and its effect would not activate. This card can miss the timing because its effect is optional (“When.you can…”), but don’t worry: there aren’t that many cards or effects that can be chained to its activation and most of the times you will not need to activate it to trigger its effect. If you activate Geartown and your opponent responds to its activation by destroying it, Geartown’s effect will not trigger. CL2 resolves: The activation of Geartown is negated, and it is.

No further cards or effects are activated on this chain. CL2: Player B activates Magic Jammer, discarding 1 card. Since Ancient Gear Golem and Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound can’t be Special Summoned and Geartown doesn’t ignore their Summoning conditions, our best option is to run Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon, which is definitely not a bad card. This is different for the case of Magic Jammer, as it negates the activation of Geartown, so Geartown does not resolve at all. When Geartown is destroyed, it allows you to Special Summon an “Ancient Gear” monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.

While Geartown is active, both players are able to Summon “Ancient Gear” monsters for 1 less Tribute, which means that you could Normal Summon a Level 6 monster like Ancient Gear Beast without Tributing, but that’s not really the reason why we are running this card in this particular deck. 0:00 / 10:43 MAGICAL GEARTOWN (Magical Hats- Trap Card & Middle Age Mechs) Speed Duel Deck Profile Yu-gi-oh Speed Duel Bro 558 subscribers Subscribe 639 views 9 months ago An oldie, but a.